


(以上為貓友分享實際使用圖文;產品資訊:折折跳台45cm|白紙 / 折折跳台60cm|白紙)







套房空間有限又想把空間利用到最大程度,除了可以選擇多功能傢俱提升儲物空間之外,也可以利用壁貼式貓跳台(Wall-Mounted Cat Tree)以節省空間並提供更多活動範圍給貓咪。

(以上為貓友分享實際使用圖文;以上這款壁貼式貓跳台-折折跳台:只要有垂直立面就可以貼!產品資訊:折折跳台28cm|紅紙 / 折折跳台45cm|紅紙)









妥善利用壁貼式貓跳台(Wall-Mounted Cat Tree),可以讓套房內多出很多貓咪活動的垂直空間!但請記得避開危險區域,例如廚房或者走路動線、戶外等等。

※想使用壁貼式產品請先檢視環境與黏貼面,若為『壁癌、凹凸不平面、牆後方潮濕、西曬、頂樓、整體環境潮濕、壁紙、防沾塗層面料』 不適合使用壁貼式貓跳台!




(以上產品資訊:折折貓隧道 45cm DIY款)

折折貓隧道總寬45cm特別規劃中間20cm高的洞給貓貓包覆感的保護,並使用三個掛式壁貼(壁貼的背膠為3M專用膠)耐重兩隻胖貓也沒問題。安裝時建議左右出口都要有平台讓貓貓可以進出喔!壁貼式貓跳台(Wall-Mounted Cat Tree)的最大優點就是可以搭配家具,例如:安裝兩個45cm折折跳台可以跳上衣櫃、安裝28cm階梯可以走上書櫃。



4. 提供窗戶觀景區:




總結來說,套房養貓從一開始入住前,就先參考以上四大重點規劃,考慮人類動線與貓咪的行為需求,並搭配壁貼式貓跳台讓貓咪在家中有足夠的空間可以活動、休息和遊玩, 相信與貓快樂共同生活還是能完美達成的!



Do you also want to keep a cat in your rental apartment?

How do you start preparing after the landlord agrees? Space planning for raising cats at home is very important! If space in your home is limited but you still want to keep a cat, consider the following ways to organize your space appropriately:

When renting a house and planning to raise a cat, here are some recommended space arrangements:


Designated cat area: Allocate a specific area in your rented space for your cat. This area should include essentials like a litter box, scratching post, cat bed, and food and water dishes. Creating a designated space for your cat helps maintain cleanliness and organization.

Vertical space utilization: Utilize vertical space effectively by installing cat trees, shelves, or perches. Cats enjoy climbing and observing their surroundings from elevated positions, so providing vertical structures can enrich their environment without taking up much floor space.

Multifunctional furniture: Opt for multifunctional furniture pieces that serve both human and cat needs. For example, choose a cat tree that also functions as a shelving unit or a cat bed that doubles as a stylish ottoman. This maximizes space usage while providing comfort for your cat.

Safe hiding spots: Cats appreciate having hiding spots where they can retreat to when feeling stressed or tired. Provide cozy hiding spots such as covered beds, cat caves, or even cardboard boxes with blankets inside. These spots offer security and privacy for your cat.

Window access: Ensure your cat has access to windows for natural light and outdoor views. Consider installing window perches or shelves near windowsills to create comfortable lounging spots for your cat to bask in the sun or watch birds outside.

Interactive toys and enrichment: Incorporate interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and scratching posts to keep your cat mentally stimulated and physically active. Rotate toys regularly to prevent boredom and encourage exploration within your rented space.

Safe outdoor access: If you have access to a secure outdoor space, such as a balcony or patio, consider creating a cat-safe enclosure or balcony catio. These outdoor enclosures provide opportunities for your cat to experience fresh air and sunshine safely.
